Revolution Church
Church Picnic June 2018
The picnic was moved indoors due to rain; however, it did not keep us from having fun.
Christmas Game: Ms. Bridgette had two teams decorating the tallest person in the group as a Christmas tree.
Even little Noah got in on the fun. It was a wonderful time full of food, fun, and laughter.
Thanksgiving Boxes
November 21, 2017
This year we packed 25 boxes with food for a nice Thanksgiving dinner for those families within our community that were needing extra help this year. We coordinated our efforts with Fairmont School and had an overwhelming success. Each child got to pick the pie they wished to take home and each family walked out with a box stuffed to overflowing.
Thank you to the intercessory prayer ladies that came and packed boxes as well as praying with those that needed prayer. It was a wonderfully rewarding time for each that was able to help hand out the food.
Many thanks to those members who gave so generously and helped to make it all possible. And thanks to Carol Uhl and Jessica Carpenter for heading up this project.
Easter Egg Hunt
April 2017
We hid over 3000 eggs and invited the children in the community to participate in the fun festivities. Our guest was Rover the Dog who helped us see that we need Jesus in our lives to be better boys and girls.
Mother's Day
May 14, 2017
To help give out our Mother's Day flowers we had two unexpected visitors, Bertie and (Priscilla, Petunia, and Delilah). It was pretty much whatever Bertie wanted to call her. Well these girls were so funny and brought much laughter for our mothers. Then Pastor Tom read a surprise text to Teressa Baxter from her daughter Olivia who is away doing ministry.
Congratulations to the following mothers:
Jerry Montgomery - having the oldest child still living
Barbara Tucker - having on the longest earrings
Sarah Lane - having the most Band-Aids in her purse
Marlene White - being the most vertically-challenged (shortest) mother
Teressa Baxter - having on the most jewelry
​​Community Outreach
June 2014
This was a great time of fellowship with the New Albany community. View the pictures to share in our fun!